Sessions in my hometown are alllllllways my favorite. Nothing like catching up with old friends and familiar places! :)
It’s so hard to believe this is the same Grayson we met when she was a baaaaaaby! Stop this train!!
The last time we met this brave little boy with spina bifida, they weren’t sure if he’d ever be able to walk. Now he can’t get enough of his walker!! Oh, and if he couldn’t be any more adorable, Lindsey tied balloons to his walker, and he went as Carl from “Up” for Halloween! <3
Grayson continues to be so sweet with her little brother. Whether she’s helping her little brother or bouncing him on their trampoline, Trennen is so smitten with his big sister! :)
Lindsey, Trennen, and Grayson, we love y’all and hope to see you again soon! :)