Any shoot with Miss Scarlett means my Ollie gets to make an appearance! These besties are my favorite together, and this first photo is gonna be a hard one to top!!
Orlando wedding, engagement, family photographer | Root Photography Blog
The many adventures of a cute husband and wife photography team!
Any shoot with Miss Scarlett means my Ollie gets to make an appearance! These besties are my favorite together, and this first photo is gonna be a hard one to top!!
by Jensey 2 Comments
Continued from Brooke and Derek’s Wedding Part One!
Nate grabbed some of my faaaaaavorite ceremony moments!! :)
PAPER PLANE WEDDING RECESSIONAL, Y’ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My beautiful family, minus my siblings and sibs-in-law!
Snuck a photo with my dad and his siblings :)
There’s nothing like having an open air reception hall in 70º weather!!! <3
Brooke and Derek, thank y’all for letting us capture your magical day!! Until next time! :)