Once upon a time, I had all my social media outlets running like clockwork. Two Instagram posts a day (sometimes even on our Disney account!), a Root Photography FB page post a day, and 2-3 blog posts a week. Ah, those were the days.
I scheduled out as long as I was permitted, which ended up being about 6 months of content! The month before we became parents I was on TOP of my game. And then we had a baby.
Imagine my shock when I very quickly realized that I’d run out of pre-scheduled posts! WHAT! Ever since, I’ve been doing my best to chug along, but failing miserably. It turns out being a full-time mom and full time photographer during busy season is no joke! I made it a point to stay on top of editing as best I could, which means I’ve had to pick a few things to fall by the way side. Like blogging! :/
So this week I shared our most recent wedding (knowing it’ll be a while until those guys get the rest of their gallery), so today I thought I’d share my oldest backlog family session! We photographed these guys before Ollie came into the world, and it was the perfect spring-y, Lilly Pulitzer-y shoot! And it made me *very* excited about potentially having a son, who little did we know would arrive a month later!! :)
Colton and those blue eyes!! Swooooon! <3
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah <3
H family, we love y’all too too much!!! :)
OMG we love you guys! You didn’t have to do this- we know how busy you guys have been! We love the timeless gift you give to us and our families every year! We hope to get to meet your sweet little boy someday soon :) Already looking forward to next year!