When we met Alan, Melissa, Tyler, and Stella for their family session around the Yacht and Beach Club, *this* is the face that greeted us. Three-year-old Stella wasn’t shy about the fact she wanted nothing to do with us! :/
But with a little bit of silly dancing, tickling, and an amazing big brother…
… We got this photo and knew there was hope! :)
I don’t like getting my photo taken either, and I’m so relieved Stella gave us a chance. :)
These guys met us shortly after moving to Orlando! We had so much fun. :)
Melissa, Alan, Tyler, and Stella- Thank you for such a fun time!! :)
Oh dear lord that face. What a gorgeous little smile but that glare – adorable!! What a sweet, cute family.
the one of her kissing her brother is ADORABLE!
Great looking family! What an awesome big brother! (Our son is 6 years older than our daughter and big bros are THE BEST for little girls!!)
Love these pics!
These are awesome. Love the brother – sister shots. That last one had me stop in my tracks- so good!