It’s our birthweek!!! What!!! Nate and I were born one year and 5 days apart, so we look forward to “birthweek” celebration all year round! :)
I wanted to blog something fun this week, so I thought I’d write about our favorite vacation last year!
Before Ollie, I was *determined* to do a monthly personal post about him and what we’ve been up to and well… We are 22 months into parenthood and I don’t even think I blogged about his birth. Instead of starting from the beginning and trying to somehow catch up, I’m just gonna jump right in. :) Last August, work brought us to San Francisco! This also meant we got to do a road trip with Ollie’s bestie from there to Disneyland for his first friend vacation! :)
This was Ollie’s 2nd trip out to California, and boy, flying with a 15 month old couldn’t have been more different than flying with a 4 month old!! I told Nate that for the rest of my life, any flight without a squirmy toddler will forever feel like I’m flying first class, lol! :) He really did well and only lost it a couple of times, but was I glad we were road tripping down to Anaheim and not having to make another flight!
We started our trip at my personal Disneyland, my favorite place in the world- My Aunt Cami’s home. <3 I think, no.. I *know* he loved it there more than Disneyland!
We had lunch with my godmother! :)
We also took Ollie to my mom’s childhood home. So many memories playing on this street! <3
He met some new sea lion friends…
And saw an invisible bridge! <3
My cousins are incredibly talented photographers (If you got our holiday card, you know this!) Even just sitting across from them at dinner meant we got really good photos of Ollie! :) He loved them as much as we did and agrees that California is just too far away- We should start a petition to move Florida.
One thing I never fully internalized before becoming a mom: When people love on your kids, that love feels tenfold to you. Ollie took to these guys right away, and I just love how much they loved on him!! :)
I’m gonna do a whole separate post on the photos they took of us and what they meant to me!
We said goodbye to northern California and drove here to meet up with our friends! Ollie was so surprised to see his bestie! <3
Stopped to see some freaky elephant seals on the way down!
See that nose?!
Tried taking a cute photo of these two but Ollie was not having it!!
We stopped again at Solvang, California, this adorable little Danish town!
We “booped” each other’s noses! :)
And obviously, we stopped at In-N-Out! But let’s just remember what he looked like last time we were here:
Next up : D I S N E Y L A N D !
Well this made us the happiest!!!! Our turn to visit you next!! Hopefully soon!