I always miscount these things, but I’m about 80% sure this was our 9th(!!!!!!!!!!!!!) session with these guys. I know their momma will correct me in the comments! ;)
I can’t even express the joy we get from watching these little toots grow up and we’re honored to be their family photographers. <3 Lindsey has always made it a priority to document their family, and it’s such an inspiration to me. Nate and I had our first session (of us!) this year since our wedding- Almost NINE years ago y’all! We were needing an updated portrait for our adoption packets and realized that other than our traditional selfies, we hadn’t had someone else take our photo!
Whenever we’re lucky enough to become parents, I’m taking Lindsey’s note. I know I’ll never feel thin enough or pretty enough to have a session done, but it’s not for me. It’s for Baby Root. It would break my heart if we didn’t have a session with me in it for 9 years!
Anyway, thank you for inspiring me, Lindsey. I know I get a lump in my throat every time I look through our oldest shoots with y’all, and I know Liam, Maddie, and future grandkids will be so thankful for this gift of memories!!
But can we talk about how this is maybe my favorite brother/sister portrait ever?! Maddie is a Gap model in the making and Liam is a real life Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes!! This is them to me 100%!!
It always takes Maddie a little bit to warm up. ;)
But before we know it, Lindsey is jumping into her toddler comedy hour and killing it with the kiddos!
Can we talk about how Liam was this tiny when we first took his photo?!?!?
Omg, Maddie and that little finger is my favorite thing ever. <3
No one dresses her daughter better than Lindsey!! <3
On our first family session with these kids, Liam was ovvvvvver photos at the end of our shoot! He started crying and Nate told Lindsey and Eric to follow suit. One of my all-time-favorite family photos came out of it! Lindsey wanted a recent take on it! :)
Nate and Liam raced each other at the end of the session and I love the photo Nate got mid-race! Liam was verrrry focused, lol!
COME BACK SOON, FRIENDS! Miss you already!!! :)
Love you guys!!!