I can’t believe we’re already almost done with July!!!! My year is always based around a never ending countdown to Halloween and Christmas, and we’re getting close- I can feeeeeel it! <3
This summer, Nate’s grandmother moved from Indiana to my mother-in-law’s in South Florida. We spent the first couple weeks of this month helping to finish pack her up there, driving the moving truck down to Florida (with Huck and all!), and then moving her into her new digs. I only mention this because I’m a couple weeks late with this sweet couple’s wedding preview!
Taryn and TC were married in the beginning of the month and lucked out with the best dessert party- A Wishes! dessert party, but one with the 4th of July fireworks!!! I know the word “epic” gets tossed around all the time these days, but just. wait. until. you. see. that. photo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Without further ado, Taryn and TC’s wedding day! <3
Her bridesmaids had the most beautiful brooch bouquets, and I love that Taryn had brooches mixed in with her flowers!
I couldn’t stop laughing on my first pass through Nate’s photos when I saw this little cutie! :)
Nate’s camera magic + bubbles = <3
I love that their first dance was to one of “our” songs, Maroon 5’s “Sunday Morning!” <3
YOU GUUUUUUUUYS!!! We had so so so so so so much fun and can’t wait to share the rest of your photos SOON! <3
Thanks for sharing photos! Can’t wait to see the rest!
Amazing! Excited to see all the photos of this memorable day!