For four years, every time someone asked why we choose to live in Nashville, my first response was “seasons.” But specifically, I meant changing leaves and snowflakes. When we moved to Nashville, my favorite season was winter, but the longer we lived there, the more I fell in love with fall. Not just the colors, but the brisk mornings, sitting at a coffee shop outside, day trips to the zoo, light sweaters and sensible boots, drinking a pumpkin spice latte outside without beads of sweat taking over my face… These were the things that stole my heart as a twenty-something rediscovering seasons.
It was an Instagram photo of a single orange leaf that sent me into a downhill ohmygoshwhathavewedone spiral. I’m sure my friend has no idea the damage that harmless little photo did to my Friday night, but holy. I know we’ll have the last laugh when it’s February and our Tennessee friends can’t step outside on account of it being in the 20’s. I know I’ll love it when this winter when we can go play in the parks and not have our eyes and noses sting from the cold.
But autumn, I miss you. Welcome back. Only two months til we’re reunited again, so please leave some leaves for me!
Happy fall, y’all.