The past four years have been a roller coaster of a ride, to say the very least.
When Nate and I first moved to Nashville, we had dreams of raising a family where our kids would know their neighbors, play in the streets, and grow up with snowflakes and fireflies amid the rolling hills and southern accents.
We landed in TN because I grew up outside of Memphis and desperately missed the south, and back in 2010, half of our weddings were Orlando-based and the other half were all around the country. Our thought (and hope) was that some day, it wouldn’t matter where we lived since our market had grown increasingly destination based.
But then a funny thing happened: We moved, bought a home, and then our Orlando market grew stronger and stronger. We still photograph a handful of weddings around the country each year, but certainly not half. It wasn’t uncommon that we could spend more days out of Tennessee than in it during the busy wedding months. Fall is my favorite season, and we were only home in Nashville for one week when the leaves were changing. I spent the entire week editing because we’d just returned from a two week Orlando trip and were gearing up to leave for another three!
Don’t get me wrong- we’re beyond grateful for our Florida couples because this business wouldn’t be around without without them. (And getting a chance to return to Disney and friends was always a huge plus!) We didn’t raise our prices when we moved because we knew we needed to keep that market, and in the end, I think that’s the smartest decision we made. As much as we adore Tennessee, the feeling wasn’t mutual and we only booked a handful of weddings while living here. Fast forward to this past April when Nate and I were in a Jacksonville hotel unpacking our bags, just a few days into a nearly month-long trip. He looked at me and said, “So, maybe we should think of moving back.” I immediately replied, “I have 40 Windermere homes favorited in my Trulia account.”
It’s a little hard to write this and admit failure. A pretty big failure. But the truth is, had we not have moved to Nashville, I always would have wondered “what if” and longed to leave Florida. But I am truly counting down the days to moving day, and I will forever be grateful for our four crazy years in Nashville, because that’s how long it took us to have that Wizard of Oz no-place-like-home moment… There really is no place like home. And we no longer have to be that weird 30 something couple with no kids who love Disney- We’ll be back home with our people. ;)
I can’t wait to make dinner dates with friends that don’t revolve around our travel schedule. And mainly, I can’t wait to have time to spend with my husband again. To own my life again. And let’s be honest- To be down the street from Disney again! I know this is laying on the cheese just a bit thick, but home really is wherever I’m with Nathanial. And I could have a million dollar flat overlooking the Eiffel Tower, but if life’s too crazy that I don’t have time off with my husband? Deal breaker. We come first and I’m looking forward to a life of watching TV on our couch together, date nights at Disney, and cooking dinner together like normal people.
Wow, that was long and ramble-y, even for me! In summary, life=good, house=sold, husband=favorite, Orlando=home.
Beautiful, Jensey.
Congratulations on finding your way home. This should never, ever be considered a failure. Please don’t see it as one.
Even through a screen your happy shines through. This is what matters and you found it. :)
Best wishes!
I’ve been waiting for this blog post since we met you guys during our last Disney trip!! Very excited for you and looking forward to a future of Root adventures :)
Yay!!! I love this post! I can’t wait to have you close by again. Xoxo!!!
I’d call that an incredible success. Congrats on the homecoming, and we’re looking forward to the next (easier-scheduled) family session.
Good luck in your next chapter. Maybe someday I can get my family to follow me down there and we can be neighbors. These New York winters are killers!
You didn’t even consider Anaheim? ;) Congrats on the big decision, house sale (that one’s a doozy), and moving back home.
I know my daughter Sarah (Black) and her husband Michael will be absolutely THRILLED with your news! You guys made their wedding packed with wonderful memories for them and all of us and I know they cannot wait to have you photograph Madalyn (and I can peek at your gear again!)
So excited for you guys! And really jealous!
This brings me so much joy! Not just your return but your devotion to each other and journey of discovery!
Orlando hasn’t been the same without you! We’re excited to have you back!
You’re only a failure if you don’t try. And this adventure has taught you how to be even greater than you were when you left Florida. You and Nate are two of the most successful people I know because you truly love what you do, and it always shows. Can’t wait for our next family session!
I’ve followed your blog for awhile (major Disney fan) and I wouldn’t call your story anything but a success story. Congratulations and good luck on the move (but I’m sure you don’t even need it)!
Fantastic news for you guys! It’s funny how life works out. I’m looking forward to more new photos on the Disney Roots page.
Hi Jensey! We’ve never met but we have mutual friends (Carriatrick – ask them about Jonni & Taz) and I’m really thrilled to hear you’ll be moving back to Florida. I know the feeling, we have a home near Celebration but we don’t currently live there and I’m counting the days until we can figure out how to move back home too. Good luck with the move. Our little Pom-Chi would love to meet Huck…well, no he wouldn’t. He doesn’t play well with others but I want to meet the famous Huck Finn. :-)
xo jonni xo
Does that mean you will be back by the end of August? I have been so so so so sad that you guys weren’t going to be there as I’m dying for family photos by you!
We are glad you’re coming “back home,” we’ve missed you. You’re not a failure, you both took an adventure and now the compass is pointing south to set up “Roots.” We love you both and “See you real soon.”
This is so familiar to me! We moved to FL only 6 mo after we got married. Bought a house, the whole nine. somewhere in the first year I realized that i was really, really un-happy. We never saw each other, didn’t have any friends closer than 200 miles, really the only GOOD thing was the proximity to Disney. We were so gung ho when we moved to Fl, that even realizing that what I wanted was to go home was really difficult, let alone admitting it. For SO long it felt like failure, but its not! Like you said, you would have always wondered! This might have been more cathartic for me than helpful or meaningful for you, but I wish you guys the best of luck and I can’t wait to have a session when we visit FL!
No, no, no! Not a failure at all! You learned so much the last 4 years and reinforced stuff you always knew!
Happy that the move is happening and that things fell into place for you (house=biggie).
Love how your love for your hubby shines through in so much of what you say and do……you both are such a wonderful example of love and devotion and commitment and family!
Not at all a failure! I think you were meant to live in Nashville for that time period; otherwise you might never really fully appreciate Orlando as “home”. I’m just sad that as I move out of Florida, you return. The very best to you both in your personal and professional lives! And truly, you have your priorities straight! The two of you come first; always and forever! Good for you for figuring that out much sooner than many older adults can! Love to you both!
Yay yay yay yay yay! I’m so excited that you were able to sell the house so quickly and for all of the good that moving back to the Orlando area means for you and Nate! Hopefully this means we will be able to meet you guys when we are out at WDW in the beginning of October for a shoot. :)
When is moving day?
This just made me so excited and I yelled to Keith across the loft- THE ROOTS ARE MOVING BACK! now we really can get lunch! Eeeeeeee!! :) I wish you the best with moving and happy safe travels! We just moved into the Conway area!
Nothing you did seems like a failure to me! You took a risk, had an adventure, and you’re coming home again. Hopefully one day (in the not so distant future) we’ll be Windermere neighbors! Congratulations!
From being a follower for a while now, it never really seemed like you were home in TN. You were always traveling and I sometimes wondered if that took a toll on you guys. Now I know! :) Congrats on the big move back to FL. I admire you guys for taking the risk. So many of us, myself included, play the, “someday….what if?” game, but you guys ACTUALLY lived it, and TRIED it. Major props for that. :) I hope to one day make it WDW and hopefully I’ll see you there. :D
We’ll look for you at the parks!!!
No worries on being that “weird 30’s-couple with no kids that loves Disney.”
You’re never too old for Disney. :) My step-sister is the same boat (she lives in Florida with her boyfriend, and they go to Disney maybe once a week). Heck, I’m getting MARRIED in Disney and have no kids (and no plans to have any, either).
So…you’re in good company. Disney is just awesome, and I think Florida will be happy to see you guys come back!
Welcome home Jensey! Glad to have you back! We can have a mini Fantasyland reunion :)
Okay first of all…I LOVE THE GRAPHIC! Since we have identical houses and all, that’s tooooo cute! :)
And second…your venture here was not a failure at all because so many of us Tennesseeans are so glad that we have had the chance to meet you. I’m sure our paths may never have crossed otherwise. And wow…you guys were so brave to pack up and move to a totally new city! But I totally, TOTALLY understand the feeling of wanting to be back “home” and wish you nothing but the best as you head back to Florida!
Welcome back!!! :)
How exciting for you guys! And not a failure! Sometimes in life we must leave to learn how much we love a place. We used to live in Windermere, right behind Cinderella’s Castle. We moved to the beach area and even though it’s very good here sometimes an hour is just too far from Disney :)
If you hadn’t moved back to Florida then we wouldn’t have met you in Casey’s Corner last week while we were on holiday from the UK!! Thanks for being so understanding when we rudely interrupted your meal.