I had such high hopes for December on the blog! So many personal photos to share! Reposts of winter Huck videos! The whole story of our elopement! And of course, so many pretty weddings! Sure enough, December seemed to go by twice as quickly as prior years. While I’m a little disappointed in my social media presence this month, I’ve been away from the computer and it’s been wonderful. While I’m looking forward to getting this little baby back on track, I’m gonna finish out the month soaking up the last bit of Christmas cheer I can!
In 2011, we sent out what I believed was the cutest Christmas card I’d ever seen, Huck Wants a Hippopotamus for Christmas. The responses were polarized: While it seemed most knew the reference, my in-laws especially were left scratching their heads. I’ll never forget Nate’s step mom asking me, “So, does Huck like have a thing for hippos or…?”
When we sent our cards out this year, I decided to play it safe- Most everyone received the one pictured below, but we had a safe but still cute secondary card to play it safe for some of our loved ones. ;) As far as we know, most everyone “got” the Peter Pan reference this year, and I was so happy with the response!
We were on a road trip to Orlando this July when “You Can Fly!” came on my playlist. I’ve heard the song a million times and even listen to it before every flight. It wasn’t until Nate mentioned that he never knew it was a Christmas song that I realized OH MY GOSH THIS IS A CHRISTMAS SONG! It’s always been a favorite, but now I think it’s my official favorite Disney song, which as some of you know, is a heavy proclamation to make but I’m 99.9% sure I mean it. :) Anyway, I whipped this up in Photoshop and I was so happy with the result! Now I want a big print hanging above my desk!
I wish we could have mailed you all a Christmas card but please enjoy this digital version, sent with just as much love! We hope you all had a safe and happy holiday season and if anyone wants to be in denial with me and pretend January 1st is December 1st again, I’m in. :)
It was super cute! I love the Peter Pan reference. I also love the Hippo song. It actually played in the queue for “Jingle Cruise” at DL and I couldn’t get it out of my head. I hope you two had a wonderful holiday! <3
Merry Christmas to you all – loved the saying on your card!