I’ve wanted to be an aunt ever since I learned that’s what my Aunt Jeannie was. She and my Uncle Dave are my dad’s two oldest friends and have been in his life since well before I showed up. Aunt Jeannie is the sole reason I began writing letters and collecting stationery, and they always sent my siblings and I birthday cards, Halloween cards, Christmas presents… Even though we’re not related by “blood” and we live across the country from each other, I’ve always felt closer to them than any “real” aunt and uncle, and I owe that to Aunt Jeannie’s constant presence in my life.
Nick and Jessie are no stranger to our blog- It was at Nick’s birthday dinner almost 9 years ago where Nate and I first met. We both considered him a best friend before that night and it’s so special to me that even though he didn’t set us up, he’s played an integral part of our lives and is stuck with us forever. I’ve since fallen in love with his amazing wife Jessie and consider them both two of our dearest friends. When we found out they were expecting a baby, I teared up with happiness not for my sweet friend, but the completely selfish reason that I finally get to be an “Aunt Jeannie” to someone. :)
Enter Hall. It was love at first sight!
90% of babies I hold scream and wail when I hold them (I think they can sense my sheer terror), but Hall just sorta coos and smiles when I’m around. I’m pretty sure he can sense that as soon as he can talk, I’m buying him anything and everything he asks me for.
Nick’s Mom was so sweet and came over to sit so we could go to a movie. :)
Oh, just workin’ in the office wearing the outfit I made him. <3
I think the weirdest thing about these two becoming parents is how not weird it is. Does that make sense?
Get used to it, baby!
Ending on my favorite! <3 Hallpants, I looooove you and can’t wait to cuddle you soon!
More Nick and Jessie posts on the Root Photography blog :
- That time we went to the Castle Suite!
- Nick and Jessie’s South Carolina Wedding Part I
- Nick and Jessie’s South Carolina Wedding Part II
Amazing as always. But the second photo……perfection!
boy, he just about as perfect as a baby can get!
It’s not fair!!