The tiniest baby I’ve ever been around… Meet Asher, who we photographed on his one week birthday. Oh. My. Goodness. <3
Kelly and Michael are a past bride and groom and two of our biggest cheerleaders. :)
Asher will be… Someday. ;)
Asher and Asher’s Mom and Dad, we love the heck out of all three of you. I’m dying to share the rest!!!!
If you’re a past Root bride and you’d like to schedule a photo session with your new tiny, contact us!!
I’m around day old babies almost every day since I took a freelance job of photographing newborns in the hospital. I seriously cannot get enough of them. Warning: spend too much time around then and you WILL want one. I never wanted children until now. They are so precious and watching new parents with their little ones…tugs at your heart. :-)
So precious!!!! Love the 1st and last picture, though all of them are adorable. Did you get to hold Asher???????? He is just a beautiful baby.
These are lovely! I wish I could blink my eyes and transport you guys to Salt Lake!