Around the holidays you may have heard buzz that there’s a new staff member here at Root Photography! Since we’re not fond of the word “assistant,” we’ve lovingly dubbed her our “Office Elf.” You’re probably more familiar with her than you realize- Lorie is my best friend and the lucky duck who wed in Tanzania, Africa last July! She’ll be helping me out on the blog by posting some wonderful style boards for our lovely readers, as well as anything else I ask of her. *evil cackle* Lorie is also who you’ll be hearing from if we decide to submit your event to a wedding blog or magazine. :)
Without further ado, Internet, meet our Office Elf!
Hello fellow Root fans, I’m Lorie. You may have seen some of my random past appearances on the blog. Jensey has asked me to write a short bio to introduce myself. I seriously hate talking about myself, but I love her dearly, so this one’s for you, Jens ;)
Some random facts about me:
– I’ve known Jensey since the 2nd grade, but we hated each other until college. We wised up and have been best friends ever since :)
– We’ve lived parallel lives- We went to the same school growing up, both went to UT Knoxville, moved to Orlando for the Walt Disney World College Program, lived a block away from each other in Celebration, and now we live 1/2 a mile from each other in Nashville
– I’m an only child and I’m 1/2 Vietnamese
– I was a Root bride! Seven years after meeting each other while working at Walt Disney World’s Animal Kingdom, Jon and I were married in “real” Africa:
– One of my dogs is named Mary-Kate Olsen – a result of my minor obsession with the Olsen twins. It’s healthy though, I promise ;)
– Things I love: art, wood, animals, sparkly things, the outdoors, fashion, traveling, and the hard cheese that falls into the crust section of my Pizza Lunchables
– If I’m by myself in the car, I like to ride in silence.
– I often watch the Home Shopping Network and QVC but have never purchased anything. I like to hear their sales pitches :)
– According to the Myers-Briggs test, I’m a 50/50 split between an INFJ and INTJ
– I laugh very loudly and don’t know how to whisper, so secrets are best told to me when no one else is around :)
– In addition to some behind the scenes stuff, the Roots have asked me to do monthly inspiration/design boards as well as other fun posts on the blog. My first goes up tomorrow, so be sure to tune in :)
– You can find me on twitter as @OfficeElf. Warning: I’m really bad with social media, but I’m trying to improve :)
Thanks for reading, guys! If there’s any particular style board you’d like to see- Wedding details, what to wear on your engagement session, etc., feel free to let me know in the comments!
How cool I feel like I should introduce myself to Lorie since I stalk your blog so much :-0. Can’t wait to see tomorrow’s post.
Awww thanks Mari! So nice to meet you too!
OK…now we know a little more about you and we thank you for that!! I admire the friendship you share with the Roots….loved your wedding…, how about a sneak peek of your pups! And, how exciting it must be to work with your best friends….I know, cause I do, too!
Really, thank you for sharing a little about yourself!
Yea, the Roots are seriously awesome :)
We’ll have to work on some new puppy portraits, but in the meantime here’s a post that included my two girls – Charlie and Mary-Kate :)
A real elf! Woo hoo! I knew they were real.
I am so looking forward to your 1st style post, Lorie!
Thanks Sara-Jayne!
P.S. I read all your comments in a British accent. I hope you don’t mind ;)
Jolly good! :) You are most welcome to read them in a British accent… I’m in the South Coast of England if that helps you ;)
Woot, welcome! LOVED your wedding shoes and bouquet!
Thanks for the love Jenn! I have some other pretty awesome shoes and alternative bouquets lined up for future posts. Can’t wait to share :)
YAY! I really enjoyed reading this. I meant to tell you that when I showed my hubby the picture you sent me from the World Cup, his eyes turned three shades of green. :-P We have our vuvuzelas standing on either side of our TV! :-D
That’s awesome! Maybe we’ll see you in Brazil in 2014?! :)
Sweet! Can’t wait! Do share designers though!!
Great job with the bio and the style board! You will be a fantastic Office Elf!
Thanks Mrs. Lykins!