Nathan and Brittany go way back to his pre-photography days. Brittany and Sean’s wedding was actually Nate and my first “official” date as boyfriend and girlfriend. How cute is that?! Ever since Brittany and Sean had Keelan, we’d been trying to schedule in a family session with them. It took quite a while, but we were finally able to work a date out and meet the little booger. :)
Brittany has always had the prettiest smile! :)
Now you see him – Now you don’t! ;)
Keelan, it was so nice meeting you! Let’s do again, k?
Ok, as a guy…trying to be all big and tough…I normally wouldn’t go out of my way to say this, but that little boy is really cute. He’s gonna be a lady killer one day, if not already.
Oh yeah… Absolutely!!
The throwing baby shots make me soooo nervous but I love em!!! Well done shooting Brittany and Sean’s bundle of joy. I can’t wait for you guys to have one or four of our own :)
Me toooo!