Bonnie got ready at the stunning Alfond Inn in Winter Park, and had her ceremony down the street at our would-have-been-wedding location, Casa Feliz. It’s always a happy day when we’re able to visit a favorite Orlando venue! My favorite part of the day was their reading at the ceremony, “The Day the Saucers Came” by Neil Gaiman. I love when couples add unique readings to ceremonies, and I found this one particularly charming.
Without further ado, enjoy my favorites! :)
Final stanza from “The Day The Saucers Came” by Neil Gaiman
That day, the saucer day, the zombie day
The Ragnarok and fairies day,
the day the great winds came
And snows and the cities turned to crystal, the day
All plants died, plastics dissolved, the day the
Computers turned, the screens telling
us we would obey, the day
Angels, drunk and muddled, stumbled from the bars,
And all the bells of London were sounded, the day
Animals spoke to us in Assyrian, the Yeti day,
The fluttering capes and arrival of
the Time Machine day,
You didn’t notice any of this because
you were sitting in your room, not doing anything
not even reading, not really, just
looking at your telephone,
wondering if I was going to call.
Just married faces!!!! :)
I love that Bonnie carried details from her brooch bouquet to her wedding cake.
The reception got moved inside due to a torrential downpour, but you can tell by the photo below they didn’t care one bit! :)
Bonnie and Alec, we wish y’all the happiest ever after! :)
HER DRESS THOUGH! and those flower girls dresses and hair. All the everything was my favorite about this wedding! LOVE!